Saturday, September 02, 2006

Mysterious Illuminated Door

We've always had a sliding door on the kitchen. But we haven't had a mysterious one before. You see, depending on the lighting behind the door, and we have several options, the door appears in turn transparent, foggy, and like the depths of a vast, cold and unwelcoming void. It is an interesting effect. It's much more dramatic than we had hoped for. The door is a bit Star Trek. You feel a bit 'beam me up Scotty' when you pass through it. It may take a bit of getting used to.

The kitchen is pretty much finished. The walls and ceiling needs to be repainted. We need to seal the concrete floor again and the window frame needs to be repainted too. But apart from that it's pretty much done.

Now all we have to do is pack everything we took out of the kitchen for the renovation back in. That will be an interesting experience. Will we have more storage space? Or did we create a flash kitchen that is completely useless. The next week will reveal all.