Wednesday, July 28, 2010

SALA Pot Luck Exhibition

I'm also in the Artist's Voice own exhibition at our home base of the Hahndorf Academy in Hahndorf. It's upstairs.

Here's the invitation.

Click on the picture for the full size:

converse(ly) Exhibition

I'm taking part in an exhibition at the Country Arts SA headquarters, the New Land Gallery, Port Adelaide as part of the SALA festival. It's a curated exhibition that has been organised by the Artist's Voice of which I am a member.

The curatorial process was really interesting. The curator, Fluvia, met with us all at our studios (home office for me), looked at all our work and selected work for the exhibition. She used photos of everyone's works that she was interested in to mix and match works and make the final selection.

I have two pieces in the exhibition. They are from the chess pieces series from a couple of years ago. They have been enlarged to 35cm x 35xm and framed professionally.

It's sure to be a really interesting and diverse exhibition.

It opens on Friday, August 6 and it runs until October 15.

Click on the picture below to see it at full size:

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Harvey's SALA Exhibition

Saturday, July 24 will go down in history as the day yours truly opened his mouth, started to speak and then continued on and on and on for a full 25 minutes. And to a crowd of people too.

Strangely enough, they all listened to me for that whole time, no slow hand clapping to be heard, and I even received a standing ovation as Malcolm said afterward - I replied, true but they were already on their feet - no chairs.

The speech was for the opening of 'Harvey Schiller and Friends at The Rising Sun SALA Exhibition'. SALA stands for South Australian Living Artists. It's a festival held in the middle of winter to entice people out of their homes and into art galleries and other arty venues to look at artwork. It has its own catalogue and everything!

The exhibition I organised features eight artists plus me and will be up until September. I also organised a classical guitarist to play at the opening which added a bit of atmosphere. I have five pieces in it - there's a total of 30 pieces up on the wall, two painters, one mixed media, six photographers including me.

Earlier in the day when I wrote the notes for the speech I decided to say a bit about each artist, what I knew of their previous work, the work they had in the current exhibition, how I react to their work and then some information on
other places they have exhibitions or work on display. As you can see, if you do that eight times it could rack up the minutes. Still no slow hand clapping, or fainting so I suppose it was a success.

Two pieces were sold a the exhibition, one by Janine Matheson and one by Gary Campbell. It looks like I might have a sale too, but they don't want the one on the wall in the exhibition - it's too small! They want a big one!

After the exhibition we all trotted off to the Robin Hood for dinner. I had failed to book enough seats and a few people embarrassingly went their own way. Woops. Next time proper record keeping will be needed.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

SALA exhibition at Rising Sun Hotel

Here's the poster for the exhibition to be held at the Rising Sun Hotel towards the end of July. It's part of the South Australian Living Artist's Festival (SALA) and we're in the program and everything. We'll be having live entertainment at the opening in the form of a classical guitarist - that alone will be worth the price of entry - it's free of course. Come listen, come have a drink and enjoy.