Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Runaround - 25km, June 24, 2007

I have legs. I know this because I have been feeling them ever since I completed the 25km run I competed in on Sunday. Feeling them, as in an ever-present ache. It's not painful as such, just inconvenient and creaky. A lack of preparation is most likely the cause of my predicament. So, if I want a pain free aftermath to the 30km run to be held in about a month's time that I intend to run in, I had better get out on the road and put in the kilometres.

I finished the 25km in 2 hours 20. That's pretty slow but I finished.

The start. At 8am. Cold

The other runners

David discovered the witches hats glow in the early morning light

Bridget showing her sensational form

Me running. Watching the minutes speed away and contemplating the kilometres left to go

*** Official results. I did the 25km in 2 hours 20 and 19 seconds. I ran each kilometre at an average of 5.676 minutes or at an average of 10.71km per hour. Hmmmmmmm . . .