I picked Mum up in the morning from Murray Bridge and brought her down to the Chateau. Here she met Beau and we had a two course dinner, roast pork with crackling, roast potatoes, braised fennel and gravy. Dessert was rhubarb stewed with native preserved hibiscus flowers and thick Murray Bridge double (more like triple) cream.
We then went to the zoo and below is what we saw. Of course, the highlight was seeing the pandas.
(My photography - in case you were wondering after the last post)

Tiger. I didn't see I had got him with his eyes open until I uploaded the pics to the computer and saw them large on the screen.

One of the pandas, Funi I think. The reason we went to the zoo.

We bought Mum a toy panda as a souvenir of the day. It's pretty cute. Mum and David.

No eyes open with this lot. They were obviously enjoying the sun.

We got to this guys home just as the keeper turned on a hose. Hippo cam up, opened his mouth and enjoyed the spray. I suppose this is how you 'pat' a hippo.

Mum, Beau, David.

Mum, Harvey, Beau

These guys were in a huge Moreton Bay fig tree. Great viewing from an elevated platform. A siamang.

In the same Moreton Bay fig tree. A pale cheeked gibbon.