I took him to work on the first day. I just had him tied up near the desk on his lead. He continually wanted to play with things and even managed to unplug my desk lamp. He also wee'd on the floor - a special pad on a newspaper, so no damage done. It wasn't working for me or him, he was bored, I wasn't getting any work done. At lunch time I took him home so he had to spend five hours by himself. When we saw him next he was all nonchalant just sitting, taking his ease, in his crate home (think one of those animal crates used to transport dogs and cats in aeroplanes).
That night we took him out to meet Mark and Lyn outside at the Colonist on The Parade, Norwood. I think they liked him.
That night David came home with some tips on what to do with dogs if you take them to work . . .
So the next day (still today as I ineptly type away) I took him to work in his home, his crate. He got a walk as soon as I got there but then it was back into his home and he went to sleep for three hours in the office. Then it was lunch time so we set off for the park, Woorabinda at Stirling. We did a lap of the lake, he met another dog and they got on happily together he saw ducks which he sort of lunged at and made a gruff noise at (a sort of muffled growl-bark) and he sniffed things a lot.
Back at work he went to sleep for an hour or so and then with two more short walks in the afternoon between naps the day was over . . .
We had all survived.
What will day three bring?
Some bad pics of Beau taken in low light . . . .