It was called the 'Ben for PM' dinner party (all our more formal dinner parties are named) as it combined the two big news stories of the week - a hung parliament and as yet no PM after the election and the Ben Cousins two part documentary had just screened. So it was easy to connect the two - Ben needs something useful to do and we needed a PM . . . a match made in heaven (Pffft!)
The Menu: Click on the image to enlarge.

The pics - taken by guests Tom and Beth:

We started with drinks outside. One of the only days we had had with sun. David by the way.

Mark and Lyn. Note new water jug - Danish or Swedish or something.

Andrew and Effy. Greeks talk with their hands too.

Tom. Photo taken by Beth

David, Andrew, Effy, Mark, Lyn, Beth, Harvey, Hillary's son, Hillary. Photo taken by Tom.