Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Sunday, December 05, 2010
Beau - The Agility Course
Week Five at pet training school. Each week we do the agility course. This week I filmed it. (Got the wrong aspect ration in the conversion though.)
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Friday, November 05, 2010
I have started a new blog. The new one is on Tumblr and its somewhere to post all my good(?) Hipstamatic iPhone photos.
It's at:
It's at:
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Today we took Mum to the zoo to see the pandas.
I picked Mum up in the morning from Murray Bridge and brought her down to the Chateau. Here she met Beau and we had a two course dinner, roast pork with crackling, roast potatoes, braised fennel and gravy. Dessert was rhubarb stewed with native preserved hibiscus flowers and thick Murray Bridge double (more like triple) cream.
We then went to the zoo and below is what we saw. Of course, the highlight was seeing the pandas.
(My photography - in case you were wondering after the last post)

Tiger. I didn't see I had got him with his eyes open until I uploaded the pics to the computer and saw them large on the screen.

One of the pandas, Funi I think. The reason we went to the zoo.

We bought Mum a toy panda as a souvenir of the day. It's pretty cute. Mum and David.

No eyes open with this lot. They were obviously enjoying the sun.

We got to this guys home just as the keeper turned on a hose. Hippo cam up, opened his mouth and enjoyed the spray. I suppose this is how you 'pat' a hippo.

Mum, Beau, David.

Mum, Harvey, Beau

These guys were in a huge Moreton Bay fig tree. Great viewing from an elevated platform. A siamang.

In the same Moreton Bay fig tree. A pale cheeked gibbon.
I picked Mum up in the morning from Murray Bridge and brought her down to the Chateau. Here she met Beau and we had a two course dinner, roast pork with crackling, roast potatoes, braised fennel and gravy. Dessert was rhubarb stewed with native preserved hibiscus flowers and thick Murray Bridge double (more like triple) cream.
We then went to the zoo and below is what we saw. Of course, the highlight was seeing the pandas.
(My photography - in case you were wondering after the last post)

Tiger. I didn't see I had got him with his eyes open until I uploaded the pics to the computer and saw them large on the screen.

One of the pandas, Funi I think. The reason we went to the zoo.

We bought Mum a toy panda as a souvenir of the day. It's pretty cute. Mum and David.

No eyes open with this lot. They were obviously enjoying the sun.

We got to this guys home just as the keeper turned on a hose. Hippo cam up, opened his mouth and enjoyed the spray. I suppose this is how you 'pat' a hippo.

Mum, Beau, David.

Mum, Harvey, Beau

These guys were in a huge Moreton Bay fig tree. Great viewing from an elevated platform. A siamang.

In the same Moreton Bay fig tree. A pale cheeked gibbon.
Ben For PM lunch
On August 29 we had a lunch for 10 at our place. Eight guests and us.
It was called the 'Ben for PM' dinner party (all our more formal dinner parties are named) as it combined the two big news stories of the week - a hung parliament and as yet no PM after the election and the Ben Cousins two part documentary had just screened. So it was easy to connect the two - Ben needs something useful to do and we needed a PM . . . a match made in heaven (Pffft!)
The Menu: Click on the image to enlarge.

The pics - taken by guests Tom and Beth:

We started with drinks outside. One of the only days we had had with sun. David by the way.

Mark and Lyn. Note new water jug - Danish or Swedish or something.

Andrew and Effy. Greeks talk with their hands too.

Tom. Photo taken by Beth

David, Andrew, Effy, Mark, Lyn, Beth, Harvey, Hillary's son, Hillary. Photo taken by Tom.
It was called the 'Ben for PM' dinner party (all our more formal dinner parties are named) as it combined the two big news stories of the week - a hung parliament and as yet no PM after the election and the Ben Cousins two part documentary had just screened. So it was easy to connect the two - Ben needs something useful to do and we needed a PM . . . a match made in heaven (Pffft!)
The Menu: Click on the image to enlarge.

The pics - taken by guests Tom and Beth:

We started with drinks outside. One of the only days we had had with sun. David by the way.

Mark and Lyn. Note new water jug - Danish or Swedish or something.

Andrew and Effy. Greeks talk with their hands too.

Tom. Photo taken by Beth

David, Andrew, Effy, Mark, Lyn, Beth, Harvey, Hillary's son, Hillary. Photo taken by Tom.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Living with Beau
It's already the end of day two of Beau being a part of our lives.
I took him to work on the first day. I just had him tied up near the desk on his lead. He continually wanted to play with things and even managed to unplug my desk lamp. He also wee'd on the floor - a special pad on a newspaper, so no damage done. It wasn't working for me or him, he was bored, I wasn't getting any work done. At lunch time I took him home so he had to spend five hours by himself. When we saw him next he was all nonchalant just sitting, taking his ease, in his crate home (think one of those animal crates used to transport dogs and cats in aeroplanes).
That night we took him out to meet Mark and Lyn outside at the Colonist on The Parade, Norwood. I think they liked him.
That night David came home with some tips on what to do with dogs if you take them to work . . .
So the next day (still today as I ineptly type away) I took him to work in his home, his crate. He got a walk as soon as I got there but then it was back into his home and he went to sleep for three hours in the office. Then it was lunch time so we set off for the park, Woorabinda at Stirling. We did a lap of the lake, he met another dog and they got on happily together he saw ducks which he sort of lunged at and made a gruff noise at (a sort of muffled growl-bark) and he sniffed things a lot.
Back at work he went to sleep for an hour or so and then with two more short walks in the afternoon between naps the day was over . . .
We had all survived.
What will day three bring?
Some bad pics of Beau taken in low light . . . .
I took him to work on the first day. I just had him tied up near the desk on his lead. He continually wanted to play with things and even managed to unplug my desk lamp. He also wee'd on the floor - a special pad on a newspaper, so no damage done. It wasn't working for me or him, he was bored, I wasn't getting any work done. At lunch time I took him home so he had to spend five hours by himself. When we saw him next he was all nonchalant just sitting, taking his ease, in his crate home (think one of those animal crates used to transport dogs and cats in aeroplanes).
That night we took him out to meet Mark and Lyn outside at the Colonist on The Parade, Norwood. I think they liked him.
That night David came home with some tips on what to do with dogs if you take them to work . . .
So the next day (still today as I ineptly type away) I took him to work in his home, his crate. He got a walk as soon as I got there but then it was back into his home and he went to sleep for three hours in the office. Then it was lunch time so we set off for the park, Woorabinda at Stirling. We did a lap of the lake, he met another dog and they got on happily together he saw ducks which he sort of lunged at and made a gruff noise at (a sort of muffled growl-bark) and he sniffed things a lot.
Back at work he went to sleep for an hour or so and then with two more short walks in the afternoon between naps the day was over . . .
We had all survived.
What will day three bring?
Some bad pics of Beau taken in low light . . . .

Kate Stewart Moore's exhibition, Emergence, opened on September 11 at 3pm at the Rising Sun at Kensington. I helped Kate to organise it. Kate's daughter, Justine Wahlin, started off the festivities with a number of songs - she's a guitartist and singer and songwriter who has featured on Triple J's Unearthed project.
Justine sang for half an hour and then I rudely butted in and said a few words and introduced ABC radio journalist Annette Marner who opened the exhibition. With the exhibition officially open, it was back to more music from Justine, mingling and of course looking at Kate's fine work.
After the exhibition we invited Kate, Justine, Mark and Lyn back to our place for an impromptu repast. It being Chateau Glenunga and David doing the cheffing duties, we had quail among other fine food.
Photos below are all out of order from the day . . .

The Alternative Four Musketeers - David, Harvey, Lyn, Mark

Justine with Mum, Kate. I claim no responsibility for this photo especially seeing that there's a finger partially covering the lens. David took this photo. And he did. I didn't touch the camera all day.

Do you remember Charlie Brown's school teacher . . . unintelligible droning - that's me there droning . . . on . . . and . . . on . . . and . . . zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Justine playing after the dinner-after-party . . .

Justine playing before the speeches at the opening.

ABC political radio journalist broadcaster Annette Marner opening the exhibition.

Kate's sister Anne with her husband Norbert and Kate artiste extraordinaire.
Justine sang for half an hour and then I rudely butted in and said a few words and introduced ABC radio journalist Annette Marner who opened the exhibition. With the exhibition officially open, it was back to more music from Justine, mingling and of course looking at Kate's fine work.
After the exhibition we invited Kate, Justine, Mark and Lyn back to our place for an impromptu repast. It being Chateau Glenunga and David doing the cheffing duties, we had quail among other fine food.
Photos below are all out of order from the day . . .

The Alternative Four Musketeers - David, Harvey, Lyn, Mark

Justine with Mum, Kate. I claim no responsibility for this photo especially seeing that there's a finger partially covering the lens. David took this photo. And he did. I didn't touch the camera all day.

Do you remember Charlie Brown's school teacher . . . unintelligible droning - that's me there droning . . . on . . . and . . . on . . . and . . . zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Justine playing after the dinner-after-party . . .

Justine playing before the speeches at the opening.

ABC political radio journalist broadcaster Annette Marner opening the exhibition.

Kate's sister Anne with her husband Norbert and Kate artiste extraordinaire.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
We've taken the plunge. Yes, we've adopted.
We got a puppy. He's a big puppy. Four and a half moths old. He's a Westie. That's a West Highland Terrier. Scottish ancestry but thoroughly Australian.
He's cute and he's quiet so far. Most noise he's made is when he saw a reflection of himself in a door. But he's come from a very quiet environment so traffic is new to him and also things like music and doors that close with a thud and washing machine noises and a whole heap of things make him alert. He likes people a lot, which is nice.
Real sweetie.
You'll get to meet him, no doubt.
We got a puppy. He's a big puppy. Four and a half moths old. He's a Westie. That's a West Highland Terrier. Scottish ancestry but thoroughly Australian.
He's cute and he's quiet so far. Most noise he's made is when he saw a reflection of himself in a door. But he's come from a very quiet environment so traffic is new to him and also things like music and doors that close with a thud and washing machine noises and a whole heap of things make him alert. He likes people a lot, which is nice.
Real sweetie.
You'll get to meet him, no doubt.

Thursday, September 09, 2010
Port but not Starboard
In a previous post I said that I was exhibiting a couple of pictures at the New Land Gallery at Port Adelaide in the Converse(ly) exhibition. I sold one! Amazing.
After the opening I took my camera and tripod our for a quick excursion. Here's one of the 15 second exposures I took. It's the lighthouse that's part of the Maritime Museum at Port Adelaide.
Here's a picture of . . . Me! As some of you may know I'm not averse to putting myself in front of the camera. This winter I've managed to, guess what, lose weight! That's usually a summer time activity. Here I am in glorious black and white reflected in the bathroom mirror.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
SALA Pot Luck Exhibition
converse(ly) Exhibition
I'm taking part in an exhibition at the Country Arts SA headquarters, the New Land Gallery, Port Adelaide as part of the SALA festival. It's a curated exhibition that has been organised by the Artist's Voice of which I am a member.
The curatorial process was really interesting. The curator, Fluvia, met with us all at our studios (home office for me), looked at all our work and selected work for the exhibition. She used photos of everyone's works that she was interested in to mix and match works and make the final selection.
I have two pieces in the exhibition. They are from the chess pieces series from a couple of years ago. They have been enlarged to 35cm x 35xm and framed professionally.
It's sure to be a really interesting and diverse exhibition.
It opens on Friday, August 6 and it runs until October 15.
Click on the picture below to see it at full size:
The curatorial process was really interesting. The curator, Fluvia, met with us all at our studios (home office for me), looked at all our work and selected work for the exhibition. She used photos of everyone's works that she was interested in to mix and match works and make the final selection.
I have two pieces in the exhibition. They are from the chess pieces series from a couple of years ago. They have been enlarged to 35cm x 35xm and framed professionally.
It's sure to be a really interesting and diverse exhibition.
It opens on Friday, August 6 and it runs until October 15.
Click on the picture below to see it at full size:

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Harvey's SALA Exhibition
Saturday, July 24 will go down in history as the day yours truly opened his mouth, started to speak and then continued on and on and on for a full 25 minutes. And to a crowd of people too.
Strangely enough, they all listened to me for that whole time, no slow hand clapping to be heard, and I even received a standing ovation as Malcolm said afterward - I replied, true but they were already on their feet - no chairs.
The speech was for the opening of 'Harvey Schiller and Friends at The Rising Sun SALA Exhibition'. SALA stands for South Australian Living Artists. It's a festival held in the middle of winter to entice people out of their homes and into art galleries and other arty venues to look at artwork. It has its own catalogue and everything!
The exhibition I organised features eight artists plus me and will be up until September. I also organised a classical guitarist to play at the opening which added a bit of atmosphere. I have five pieces in it - there's a total of 30 pieces up on the wall, two painters, one mixed media, six photographers including me.
Earlier in the day when I wrote the notes for the speech I decided to say a bit about each artist, what I knew of their previous work, the work they had in the current exhibition, how I react to their work and then some information on
other places they have exhibitions or work on display. As you can see, if you do that eight times it could rack up the minutes. Still no slow hand clapping, or fainting so I suppose it was a success.
Two pieces were sold a the exhibition, one by Janine Matheson and one by Gary Campbell. It looks like I might have a sale too, but they don't want the one on the wall in the exhibition - it's too small! They want a big one!
After the exhibition we all trotted off to the Robin Hood for dinner. I had failed to book enough seats and a few people embarrassingly went their own way. Woops. Next time proper record keeping will be needed.
Strangely enough, they all listened to me for that whole time, no slow hand clapping to be heard, and I even received a standing ovation as Malcolm said afterward - I replied, true but they were already on their feet - no chairs.
The speech was for the opening of 'Harvey Schiller and Friends at The Rising Sun SALA Exhibition'. SALA stands for South Australian Living Artists. It's a festival held in the middle of winter to entice people out of their homes and into art galleries and other arty venues to look at artwork. It has its own catalogue and everything!
The exhibition I organised features eight artists plus me and will be up until September. I also organised a classical guitarist to play at the opening which added a bit of atmosphere. I have five pieces in it - there's a total of 30 pieces up on the wall, two painters, one mixed media, six photographers including me.
Earlier in the day when I wrote the notes for the speech I decided to say a bit about each artist, what I knew of their previous work, the work they had in the current exhibition, how I react to their work and then some information on
other places they have exhibitions or work on display. As you can see, if you do that eight times it could rack up the minutes. Still no slow hand clapping, or fainting so I suppose it was a success.
Two pieces were sold a the exhibition, one by Janine Matheson and one by Gary Campbell. It looks like I might have a sale too, but they don't want the one on the wall in the exhibition - it's too small! They want a big one!
After the exhibition we all trotted off to the Robin Hood for dinner. I had failed to book enough seats and a few people embarrassingly went their own way. Woops. Next time proper record keeping will be needed.
Thursday, July 01, 2010
SALA exhibition at Rising Sun Hotel

Here's the poster for the exhibition to be held at the Rising Sun Hotel towards the end of July. It's part of the South Australian Living Artist's Festival (SALA) and we're in the program and everything. We'll be having live entertainment at the opening in the form of a classical guitarist - that alone will be worth the price of entry - it's free of course. Come listen, come have a drink and enjoy.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The Missing 18 Months - May 2010
In May I had the pleasure of photographing a very beautiful friend, Hilary. Those are her legs up there. It was a great fun day and something new for me.
And in May my arse hit the net for the umpteenth time just to show that 45 year-olds can look okay under the right lighting, with a bit of Photoshopping and darkness and blur and masking texture.
The Missing 18 Months - April 2010
Monty came to visit in April. After having opened a second cup cake shop in Perth (Babycakes) he needed a rest. As part of his relaxation he played DJ to a group of our friends, all of whom were gob-smacked by how he twiddled his knobs so well.
After months of me complaining that I was going bald and my hair is too long, David gave me this marine style buzz cut. It's grown longer again, but looking at this, I think it should go back to this minimalist look.
The Missing 18 Months - March 2010
The Missing 18 Months - February 2010
February was festival month. We saw a number of things at the Fringe and a God-Aweful opera at the Adelaide Festival of Farts. The sword swallower (above) was from the Garden of Unearthly Delights opening night show.
We also did a Day on the Green concert seeing Diana Krall (Ms fan above was next to us).
Also attended Robyn's 60th which was held on a boat that traversed the Port River. I was official photographer and took lots of pics, a great night. As a treat a number of us travelled back to the Brompton Hotel in a stretch Hummer via Hindley Street.
Also did the Megaswim thing again. This time I had a water proof camera to play with!
The Missing 18 Months - January 2010
This photo of a yellow tailed black cockatoo was taken in a very special place, at Sinclair's Gully Winery at Norton Summit. Once a blackberry patch with a woodland poking through, it is now a conservation masterpiece and has been nominated and won endless Landcare and Tourism awards. We're proud to call the owners Sue and Sean friends . . . oh and they make a fantastic sauvignon blanc, chardonnay and bubbly. When you visit you will see one of my photos of the famous candlebarks in the nearby forest on the entry sign.
The Missing 18 Months - December 2009
We had Christmas and my birthday at Tanonga B&B about 20 km north of Port Lincoln on the Eyre Peninsula. We flew across as they had just cancelled the ferry that cut 100s of kms off the journey from Adelaide. While there we visited Coffin Bay and had a lovely meal at the fabulous restaurant there. We also swam with seals and tuna. Magic trip. We're still paying for it.
The Missing 18 Months - November 2009
In November we went to Perth for Monty's 50th which was actually months before. The party was held outdoors at a recording studio and was transformed into a wonderous night club with chadeliers, several flat screen teles, mirror balls, lasers, circus cut out figures, inflatables with lights in them, a bench that could accommodate three DJs and during the night we had live performances from a Drag Queen, circus performers and more. We managed 8pm to 5am. Quite a feat for us.
The Missing 18 Months - October 2009
The Missing 18 months - September 2009
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