On Friday David learnt about what I had organised for the nest day, a winery cellar door tour of the Barossa in a 1935 Auburn car.
The tour was fantastic and the weather was great. We went to a number of places we hadn’t been before and of course we had to purchase souvenirs to take home! I took a lot of pictures while we were out including quite a few of that marvellous car.
On the Sunday we went for an aimless sort of drive around so that I could take some landscape pictures. We then decided that we needed lunch so we headed down the road where the Rockford winery is to see if we could find an eatery that used to be there. It was gone but what we did find was the Krondorf Road CafĂ© which is housed in a huge ‘tin shed’ designed by the architect owner of the restaurant who is also a wine maker. The food and wine was superb and we lingered there – it really is the most beautiful spot.

David and me next to the 1935 Auburn we rode in around the Barossa.

The Auburn on the driveway to the Willows Cellar Door.

We went to the Farmer's Market on the Saturday morning. We didn't buy any garlic - we were tempted.

The Krondorf Road Cafe. A magnificent building set in a wonderful scenic spot.