Although the triathlon season is over I'm still doing a fair bit of training - swimming in the mornings somewhere between one and three times a week, riding to work up to Crafers (usually twice a week) and going for runs. I've been lengthening the runs lately as on Sunday I'm going to attempt a half marathon - 21km. I've already done two training runs of about that length so I should be able to make the distance.
I'm also preparing work for another exhibition. This time the exhibition is of just my work and it will be held at the White Cedars Cafe & Gallery, run by our friends Francis and Putu, in Burra. The exhibition opens on June 17 and concludes at the end of July. I've put togeher a poster and an invitation and I'll take that over to the printers tomorrow to get them made up. The poster is shown below.
Clickification = Enlargification
Also in a conspiracy to ensure that I never lose fitness or gain weight, David bought me a static trainer for my bike so that when the weather is less than perfect for cycling (eg winter) I can still huff and puff at fitness and sweat away any superfluous calories. David said he might even use it too.
My brother Neil is in Adelaide for a conference this week too and we hope to have him over for dinner before he heads back to Queensland. No doubt he'll be served a numerous course banquet created by the Chateau's chef David.