We’ll make a random selection, Google Map like. First we see the whole metro area of Adelaide then we zoom in, with a click. We have the eastern suburbs of Adelaide. Another click and another zoom. Now we can see Portrush Road and the fair suburb of Glenunga. Another click and we see a block of 70s units. Let’s choose one and we’ll follow the inhabitants for a while to see what they’re up to. How about Unit 8? The residents call it ‘Chateau Glenunga’ (how pretentious!). Consider our look at life there as an anthropological study.
8am - Nothing’s stirring - both asleep. Oh no, a trip to the toilet.
9am - Not much movement at all.
10am - Still nothing’s stirring.
11am - Ah, here we go. They’re up. Subject 1 (white, male, 42, named Harvey) is making coffee in the kitchen. Subject 2 (white, male, 44, named David) is sitting on the couch reading a book on 1950s and 60s architecture and decor. They drink the coffee - Kenyan 3/4 roast as a latte.
Noon - They’ve gone their separate ways. Subject 2 appears to be cleaning the tiniest spots of mould off the bathroom wall. Meanwhile Subject 1 has gathered everything he needs to go for a run and has headed outdoors. He has headed north on Portrush and has then, via the Blockbuster car park jogged off into the back streets.
1pm - Subject 2 has put some washing on. He appears also to be getting ready to go out. Subject 1 is now at the linear park near north Adelaide heading towards Bundy’s Road. His heart rate (he’s got a monitor on, is at 140 beats per minute).
2pm - Subject 2 has headed to the carport and has headed off down Portrush and then turned onto Greenhill Road heading west. By a serendipitous coincidence he sees Subject 1 as he runs up Greenhill Road in an easterly direction. They wave. Subject 1’s heart rate is now at 150 bets per minute. It will top out at 160 as he heads up hill towards home.
3pm - Subject 1 has had a shower, puts some washing in the dryer and is now taking photos of a few items around the ‘Chateau’. Subject 2 is in Ikea, near the airport. He’s looking intently at homewares. His Ikea bag has just a few items in it at this stage.
4pm - Subject 1 is on the computer. He’s failing to get it to connect to the internet and the email is also down. He downloads the photos from his camera, sizes and manipulates them in Photoshop and also continues with the clothes washing. Subject 2 has left Ikea and has visited several other stores.
5pm - Subject 2 is driving back towards the ‘Chateau’. Subject 1 has a drink of a new bevarage bought a couple weeks back that is yet untried. It is Blue Tongue Alcoholic Ginger Beer. Subject 1 is surprised to discover it tastes more like beer than non-alcoholic ginger beer. Or is the suragy biscuit (baked by Subject 1’s mother) he ate before tasting the ginger beer interfering with his palate?
6pm - Subject 2 returns with his day’s ‘hunting and gathering’ spoils. Subject 1 initially disapproves of the amount bought but then enthusiastically inspects the ‘catch’.
7pm - Subject 1 & 2 get in their car and head towards another suburban couple’s home for a dinner party.
This is where we leave our subjects for the time being. I’m not sure you can conclude much from a reporting of a single day’s events. Perhaps we’ll have to visit the ‘Chateau’ again some time.
Pictures - Elargification happens upon clickification!!
Here's what he bought . . .

Frames and tape and mats and backing board and stuff ready for framing work to go in the exhibition

The brand of ginger beer with decorative background

David has been busy making his own stock for cooking - chicken, veal and pork. He has also been making slow-roasted capsicums which he places in oil