They've taken our bench tops away! Crimminy - We got cupboards but no bench tops. And we won't have benchtops for a while yet. You see they have taken the bench tops away to have them wrapped in stainless steel. Why it takes up to three weeks for this process to occur, I have no idea. However, when we had the aluminium doors installed in the hallway they took six weeks to be constructed. But when they turned up to be installed and they were primrose yellow, and not clear coated aluminium (silver coloured) as we had ordered, it only took one working day for them to custom make the new pair and have them installed. Hmmmm.
Anywho . . .
So, as you can see from the photos, the hole where the world's worst extractor fan used to be has now been blocked up. A couple of bricks and cement now lays that disastrous Exxon-Valdez-type-oil-spillage-era of the kitchen to rest. (For a more complete explanation on the ex-extractor fan see entry below.)
David, apart from filling the ex-extractor hole, has been getting plastered in the kitchen. He has been filling all the gaps where the tile cement has taken off the wall plaster, ready for the splash backs, which will go on pretty soon.