Fortunately for them the truck with their tree and what it has become goes past where they used to live. They derail the truck and build the bit of furniture into their former home stacking it up like their old tree with the television at the top of it, pride of place. Chip and Dale are very excited by this turn of events. At the end of the cartoon we see them sitting in front of the blank screen of the television. Then one of them says, "Won't it be wonderful when we get electricity".
That's how it has been at Chateau Glenunga. We now have electricity.
Below you will see a picture of the light above the sink, the lights in the pull out pantries (there are two of them), the lights in the overhead cupboards, a picture of our frosted clear perspex door with its 10cm wide stainless steel strip and the heat lamps over the plating-up-area.