Me, Mum and David. This is taken with the self timer. The camera is on a mini tripod so no shake. The waitress offered to take the photo but I've had too many waiter/esses take blurry shots (even with anti-shake programs activated!)
On Saturday, May 28 we had a day out with Mum, ostensibly to celebrate a belated Mother's Day and Birthday.
I picked Mum up from Ken's shop in Mount Barker at 9am and brought her back to the chateau where she got to see our finches for the first time. We had coffees and then we took Beau for a run at the dog park and Mum watched from the warmth of the car.
Another coffee later and we headed off to our designated lunching spot, Maximillians restaurant in Verdun in the Adelaide Hills. The restaurant is an old house converted into a large restaurant and it has several dining areas. We were seated in front of a large picture window which overlooked vines, a dam, trees and hills. Everything lush green and very picturesque.
It's a spacious restaurant too and there's starched linen. Food was French and big serves to match the price which was only surpassed by the prices on the wine list.
After a long lingering lunch we headed to a new cellar door I wanted to check out at Scott Creek, Deviation Road. They produce some lovely wines and it was nice to check out the whole range as the Deviation Road Pinot Grigio is available on the wine list at the Rising Sun and is a bit of a favourite.
We then dropped Mum back at Ken's work so that she could go home with him at 5pm.