Also taking part were some members of the swimming squad who I train with Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at Norwood. They included Graham, Terry, Kay and Penny. Another of the swimming squad, Andrew, did his first triathon ever and completed it in 1 hour 3 minutes! Hmmm . . .
David took the photos below.
(There are more triathlon photos on my Flickr page. Clicking on any of these pictures will take you there. You can see photos in larger sizes there as well.)
Number 953. Set to go.
Setting off in the swim. I don't have a wetsuit so I have to 'brave' the West Lake's sometimes cool waters. Most people seem to think that a wetsuit gives you a minute or two advantage in the water.
Swim over, off to find the bike.
On the bike. I'd like to say I rode really fast . . .
On the run . . . well jog . . .
Crossing the finishing line.
Terry, Penny, Kay, Graham, Harvey