After lunch we went to a new cellar door at Balhannah, Abbey Rock. Nice venue. Instead of a bar you're seated at Chesterfields and leather tub chairs and served the wine. Very salubrious.
After that we went to Mount Barker and had a look at my brother Ken's new place of work - Radio Rentals Mount Barker in the new homemaker complex. I went a bit mad taking photos of the complex as it's mostly empty and you could get these neat, surreal shots of it. Ken was at work so we had a chat to him went for coffee and then dropped Mum off with Ken so she could go home with him back to Murray Bridge.
The pictures below can be enlargified by the clicking of them thereupon. Once you have gazed click-upon the back button to return to normal viewing.

Me reflected in the log fire at Hahndorf Hill Winery. Burn, Baby Burn, Disco Inferno . . .

Mum and David

The lamb shanks were very fine indeed.
My dessert. Most food groups covered - the chocolate group, the ice cream group and the . . . um . . . prune group.

The character-ful dog who inhabits the car park at Hahndorf Hill Winery. He loves a good game of fetch.