On the last Saturday night of the year and the penultimate day of 2006 a group of us made the pilgrimage to Burra to dine at Francis and Putu's White Cedars Cafe. We initially converged at Neagles Rock Winery and Restaurant at Clare and then, in convoy, we drove onto Burra, half an hour further north(ish). We stayed at the Burra Hotel, which one of our friends would undoubtedly call "cheap and cheerful". Dinner that night was a fabulous banquet of Balinese and South East Asian food prepared by Putu - just delicious!

On the five-star balcony above the main street of Burra attached to the two-star(?) Burra Hotel. From left - Gary, David, Keith and Ellen.

Gary, David, Keith, Ellen, Liz and Peter.

Dining at Francis and Putu's restaurant, the White Cedars Cafe. We had a lovely banquet. From left Ellen, Peter, Liz, Gary, David and Keith.

After coffee at the White Cedars Cafe the next day. Ellen, Keith, Peter, Gary, David, Francis and Liz.