The picture above is of me with a pile of my pictures ready to be transported to the gallery. Seeing I've called this series of blog posts 'Exhibitionism' I thought I'd add a bit of the real thing into the mix.
I got hung today. My 'artwork' for the exhibition went up on the walls at the Tin Cat Cafe. I've got the back room which has worked out well as that room is quite large and airy, and as my pieces are large and colourful they get a lift from the space and the light. The walls are white in that room too, which helps. David did most of the technical hanging work. We had some wonderful assisstance from Kelly who is an artist. She arrived with Marlene, who was down from Quorn. Kelly really helped us with getting all the pieces sorted and looking good on the walls. It was great too that Marlene could see the work. Some of the stuff features pictures from around Quorn.
I've seen everyone else's work now, and it's all spectacular. It's all just beautiful.
Gary has taken illustrations from old books, like the Readers Digest, and makes them into lovely retro-looking collages that tell a new story. Keith, a photographer, has taken the most beautiful pictures of men and paired them with a texture picture like flowers or a fabric in romantic sepia tones. Mark has taken some photos of Sydney beaches and subjected them to a 3-D technique with gives the most wonderful illusion. Alan is the most traditional of all, he uses oils. His canvases are dark and feature intense reds and yellows - it's all very volcanic and passionate. Heather has taken some intimate photos and they're small so you need to get close and LOOK. Her other series is a number of words embroidered onto photo rag in gold and they look sensational. I'm in remarkable company. I hope they like my stuff! I wouldn't want to be letting the side down.
Below is the list of my alleged 'artworks'. Alleged as it's up to others to credit them with that status not me. I just made some pictures.
Six Appeal Exhibition
Harvey Schiller
Limited edition prints on canvas. 10 available of each apart from ‘The Red Room’. All are number one of ten apart from ‘The Red Room’ which is number two of ten.
‘Pegs’, 2005. Digital Image on Canvas.75cm x 100cm. $430.
‘On Reflection . . .’ 2006. Digital Image on Canvas.75cm x 100cm. $430.
‘Apocalyse on Rundle’ 2006. Digital Image on Canvas.75cm x 100cm. $430.
‘The Red Room’ 2006. Digital Image on Canvas.75cm x 100cm. $430.
‘Bundaleer Forest’ 2006. Digital Image on Canvas.84cm x 38cm. $350.
‘Apocalypse on Rundle’ , 2006. Digital Image on Art Paper Using Archival Quality Inks & Watercoulour. Image size -14cm x 19cm. Frame size - 18.5cm x 23.5cm. $55 each.
Individual titles: Photo; Watercolour; Building; Sign; Rhino.
‘Lifesaver’s Box’, 2006. Digital Image on Photopaper. Image Size - 23cm x 18cm. Frame - 40cm x 31cm. $85.
‘Air’, 2006. Digital Image on Photopaper. Image Size 23cm x 18cm. Frame Size 40cm x 31cm. $85.
‘Chairs’, 2006. Digital Image on Photopaper. Image Size 23cm x 18cm. Frame Size 40cm x 31cm. $85.
‘At the Sands’, 2006. Digital Image on Photpaper. Image Size 17cm x 13cm. Frame Size 31cm x 22cm. $70.
‘Concrete Thinking’, 2006. Digital Image on Photopaper. Image size 12cm x 17cm. Frame Size 18.5cm x 23.5cm. $60.