Sunday, August 26, 2007

Detours Re-Routed Invitation

Invitation to an exhibition of my digital images, Detours Re-Routed.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Putu Dancing at Pondok Bali

On Sunday night(August 19)we went to the Pondok Bali restaurant on Pulteney Street in the city to see our friend Putu perform traditional Balinese dance. There was a group of 10 of us and the dancing was entertaining and so was the food. Lots of different dishes were served with dance performances interspersed between courses. Putu danced twice and three girls also took to the floor to dance one piece each.

Click on any picture to see them enlargified. The click will take you to my Flickr photo sharing page.

Putu Dance One

Putu in full costume and dancing to the delight of the audience.

Putu Dance Two
Putu Dance Three

Fighter Dancer One

This dancer was armed but not terribly dangerous.

The Group Pondok Bali

The group of 10 who saw the show & ate the food! Yum.
From empty seat (mine) clockwise - Neil, Stephen, Francis, Malcolm, Maureen, Terry, David, Eric, Dudug.

Below the colourful shadow puppets that line the wall of Pondok Bali.

Bali Puppets Three

Bali Puppets Two

Bali Puppets One

Sunday at Murray Bridge

On Sunday, August 19, we had lunch at Mum's place in Murray Bridge with my brother Neil who was down from Queensland and my niece Hayley. After a lovely roast lunch with glass of cabernet or two we headed to the garden, it was a lovely sunny day, and took a few photos.

Harvey & Neil

Neil and Me

Neil camera

Neil taking a photo of me taking a photo . . .


David in front of the almond blossom


Hayley in front of the flowering quince

Busy Bee

A bee at work in Mum's back garden

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Flickr Adelaide Hills Article

I wrote the above article about Flickr activity in the Adelaide Hills. Flickr is a sharing website and chat community. I used a photo I took of a visit by the SA Central Flickr group to Warrawong to illustrate the article. It also features two pictures by Rod Brunker, who I featured in the article.

Here's a copy of the article that's easier to read than the picture of the page above.

Adelaide Hills, a paradise for photographers
by Harvey Schiller
Rod Brunker of Meadows has been a keen photographer for most of his life.
In the early 80s he was shooting with a Pentax MG, on film, there was no alternative then. He then sold all his equipment but in 2006 when he bought a digital SLR camera, a Canon EOS 350D, his love of the hobby took off.
Around this time he joined Flickr, an online community where you can share your photos and where people can comment on them. This involvement gave him an arena where he could display his work and further his own development in the art.
“I’ve learnt so much from Flickr,” Rod said
“Studying other peoples’ photos, viewing their techniques and discussing their successes and failures gives me a real insight into the medium. Almost everyone is so keen to help others out and you get to meet, over the internet, people you never would never meet otherwise. One of my Flickr friends is a very talented photographer living in South Africa. I also have contacts from Russia, Germany and England - it’s a global community.”
Apart from displaying your own photos you can join groups within Flickr. These groups are quite diverse and can consist of a collection of photos from women photographers, photos from a particular city or country and even groups that specialise in photos of a particular colour.
“On Flickr there were groups for Adelaide and South Australia, but there was nowhere to showcase the wonderful place we live in,” Rod said.
So Rod created a group to showcase views of the Adelaide Hills and for Adelaide Hills photographers.
“I hope that Adelaide Hills photographers can use the group to connect and share ideas and that the group will encourage people to capture more images of the Adelaide Hills. It might even encourage more people to visit the Adelaide Hills, breathe its fresh air, eat its fresh produce, and take it all in.”
Rod is clearly in love with the area.
“The wildlife, the farms, the flora, the country people – it all inspires me,” Rod said.
“We are so lucky that we can enjoy country living with the convenience of a capital city less than an hour away. Almost all the food my family consumes is produced less than 40km from our front door and we can talk to the people who grow it.
“Good food, wine, people, rainfall, scenery - this is paradise.”
Rod is impressed with what he sees when he visits the online Adelaide Hills Flickr group.
“The members are certainly talented photographers,” he said.
“It’s a diverse group and all of the contributions add something to the Adelaide Hills story.”
Rod’s interest has had an unexpected benefit. His son is now a keen photographer too.
“I had a quite old Pentax point and shoot camera, and one day my son asked if he could take some photos with it,” Rod said.
“I gave him some instructions and left him to it, thinking that being a 9-year-old he would keep busy for, oh about 10 minutes. But, he loved it, took many shots and some very good ones. He kept taking shots and convinced me to get him a higher quality camera, a Fuji s9600.
“So now it’s great, we go off on walks together, him with Fuji, me with the Canon. The only downside is sometimes he takes better shots than me - but don’t tell him that.”
The Adelaide Hills Flickr site is at

Here are the pictures of Rod's that I used in the article.
Click for enlargifiction.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Rising Sun Inn Exhibition Poster

Spot the Difference, originally uploaded by chateauglenunga.

Here's the poster I have created to publicise the Detours Re-Routed exhibition. See poster for exhibition details. Click on it for enlargification and edification (You'll end up at my Flickr page and you can enlarge the poster from there.)

The exhibition is the same one as the one that was premièred at Burra in June. It however will be augmented. a few new pics will be on display too, plus an old one. Hence the new name for the exhibition 'Detours Re-Routed'.

Tom Savis, owner of the Rising Sun Inn, has found a wine sponsor for the exhibition, which is great. It will again be opened by Effy and I'll have something to say again.

The exhibition will open on Saturday, September 8 at 3pm and will conclude on October 20. It will be on display for six weeks.

If you're not coming to the opening but want to see the exhibition you'll have to choose your times as the hotel is mostly a restaurant. It is closed Sundays. It is open from Monday to Saturday and the best viewing times are in the afternoon from 3pm - 6.30pm, although on a night with few diners (early in the week) I'm sure you could have a look later in the evening. Before lunch might be a good time to see it too. If in doubt give the hotel a call on 8333 0721.

The staff are fantastic at the hotel, so just ask whatever you need to know and they will help you out.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Tom Savis & me at the Rising Sun Inn

Rising Sun 6, originally uploaded by chateauglenunga.

This photo is me with Tom Savis from the Rising Sun Inn posing for a publicity photo. Not that it will see the light of day inb a newspaper or whatever. But you gotta try. The exhibition will open on Saturday, September 8. Had to be a Saturday as that's their quietest time and although it will clash with an AFL finals footy match, that shouldn't be a problem with an 'arty' type crowd. Unless, of course, I'm completely wrong. The picture is 'Gentle Rain', which Tom is buying!