Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow!
You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout
Till you you have drench'd our steeples, drown'd the cocks!
You sulphurous and thought-executing fires,
Vaunt-couriers to oak-cleaving thunderbolts,
Singe my white head! And thou all-shaking thunder
Smite flat the thick rotundity o' the world!
(Willy Shakespeare, but most likely some other guy with the education who could have written such stuff)
And yea, it did come to pass that Harvey did completeth the City to Bay Fun Run and decide to compete in the following week’s Duathlon in the beautiferous city of Adelaide next to the lake that is named the Torrens.
On the night before said race, he didst go to bed early and listen to the wind howl and the rain pelteth down. In the morning, as the shade of dark lifted and the light of day did encroach, it didst reveal a story of bleakness - rain, tempest and blight.
Upon reflection, and thought most thorough, Harvey didst decide to take part in the day’s Duathlon, as he had already paid for it and was thus too cheap to stay in bed where it was not wet, windy, cold or blighted.
He did get ready for the said Duathlon and his crew, the honourable David, didst help him prepare for the arduous venture ahead.
Initially, upon arrival at the place where the day’s said adventuring was to take place, the weather did appear magnanimous. However, within a short time didst the heavens reveal their true portents and the veritable dams of the sky let loose and plunge down a Noah’s fill of precipitation.
But hark, through yonder cloud break didst the sun burst. Our adventure couldst begin amidst relative calm and happiness.
And so the Duathlon didst begin with Harvey running with the esteemed over 40’th group. His fellow competitors were to the frail likes of Harvey blocks of concrete and towers of steel - Amazonians!
Harvey didst start at the back of the pack and there he didst stay for the whole of the said opus - for the run of 5km, for the cycle of 20.5km whereupon he was graced with a lashing of God’s blessed pelting rain, and the finale of a 3.5km run to the line. Neither did he forge ahead against others but neither did he lag. He just ran his own race. And when it was finished he didst win a Brooks bag in the lucky number prize.
Photos: Harvey before the start but after the inundation. Harvey running off behind the big guys (lots of them). Harvey in transtition -going from the run to get on the bike. Harvey finishing. Pictures of planes that David took while not being engrossed being the support crew.